Customer Stories
Learn How Abra Kadabra Uses BidClips to Grow Their Pest Control Business
Hear from Matthew Eickman the owner and CEO of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services, a pest and wildlife control company located in the Minneapolis metro area, on how he uses BidClips to provide a modern customer experience.
Learn How Glass Doctor® of Atlanta is Finding Success with BidClips
Hear from David and Meagan Nash, owners of Glass Doctor® of Atlanta, on how they are achieving success using BidClips in their residential and auto glass shop.
Hear more from our customers
“Customers love the look and feel how our bids are presented. Automated follow-ups can produce up to 15% sales from what would normally be written off as "not our customer." ”
“From an owner’s perspective, its fantastic seeing the emails come in at 7, 8 and 9pm where a customer booked their job and paid their deposit online… Job sold. Money in the bank.”
“I like that a customer engages with you and is prepared to offer all that information. Once that's down there, it's really simple for us to talk to the customer.”
“I love the automated follow-up feature. The follow-ups are pre-scheduled. Your customer is receiving a follow-up on a previously bid job while you are working on new bids.”
“The ease of the customer experience. They can book their job 24/7, any time of day they can log on and pay their deposit. It just improves customer experience.”
Provide a Better Customer Experience
Learn how BidClips helps modernize home service businesses